Season 6

Sept. 28, 2021

Episode of Requirement: The Wilsons' Desert Island Picks!

This week, Amanda and Kev give you their top three favorites in every category from movies to theme park attractions. Come see just how questionable their opinions are! Support the show (

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Sept. 21, 2021

The Dog Father: The Season 6 Owl Post and Prophecy Round-Up!

For the first time in FFH history, we're combining the season's remaining Owl Post with the Book 6 Prophecy Round-Up and we're topping it all with a Winner/Loser Round-Up cherry on top. The Wilsons are covering everything from harsh Dumbledore opinions to Sirius Black's bestiality potential. Grab a…

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Sept. 14, 2021

Shoot 'Em Up Bang Bang: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (The M…

Well, Kevin has seen the Half-Blood Prince movie and he has a lot of thoughts. Spoiler alert: most of them are very rant-y. What do the Death Eaters have in common with the hyenas in The Lion King? What moment made Kevin stop the movie and say "what IS this?!"? And Felicia Rashad, is that you? S…

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Sept. 7, 2021

Ride Or Die (Book 6, Chapter 30)

That's a wrap for Book 6, and The Wilsons are ending Half Blood Prince with a very flashy funeral, Harry sassing the Minister for Magic yet again, a knowledge drop about Snape's parentage, and the Goldenest of Golden Trio moments.  Support the show (

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Aug. 31, 2021

Merely A Flesh Wound (Book 6, Chapters 28-29)

Kevin has made it past his denial and Dumbledore's demise is hitting him hard. In this double-stuffed episode The Wilsons talk major Hospital Wing revelations, Devon Sawa, and being Werewolf-Adjacent. Support the show (

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Aug. 24, 2021

Rainbow Bridge (Book 6, Chapter 27)

Dumbledore may have taken an AK to the chest, but Mr. Wilson isn't too worried- he doesn't think things are as they seem. Join us as we discuss The Lightning-Struck Tower, Kev debuts his Fenrir Greyback voice, and a surprising parallel between Dumbledore and Miranda Priestly is drawn.  Support t…

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Aug. 17, 2021

Accio Pimp Cup (Book 6, Chapter 26)

The Wilsons are joining Harry and Grandpa on a Goonies-style adventure to a zombie cave, but first they have some huge news to spill for you all!  Support the show (

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Aug. 10, 2021

Lettah From The Guvnah (Book 6, Chapter 25)

Harry and Grandpa are about to go on an adventure, but first it's the (all too brief) return of CAPS LOCK HARRY after Sybill's supreme post-sherry bomb drop. Join The Wilsons as they talk Harry Potter: The Musical, tattoos, Prince, and Whispering Eyes.  Support the show (…

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Aug. 3, 2021

Nothing Good Happens At The Three Broomsticks (Book 6, Chapter 24)

The Wilsons are back, and just in time to see some serious sh*t go down in the boys' bathroom. Kev has some thoughts about Harry's serious lack of social graces, and Amanda has an explicit hand gesture to teach you all. Plus, the return of Katie Bell, Hi-Lights magazine, and the always-hilarious Ro…

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July 27, 2021

Answer These Questions Four (While We Take A Week Off)

The Wilsons are taking a short last-minute break and before they return next week to embark on the Home Stretch of Half-Blood Prince, they have some questions for you! Think of it as a Hedwig's Digital Get-Down in reverse...s...

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July 20, 2021

Deborah Gryffindor (Book 6, Chapter 23)

Hooray, Kev has finally learned about Horcruxes! The Wilsons are breaking it all down, from the age old debate "is Dumbledore a puppet master or a kindly mentor?" to what a trash person Willy Wonka's Grandpa Joe is. Plus, where would your hosts conceal a part of their soul? And who the eff is Johnn…

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July 13, 2021

He's Really Sorry About Your Spider (Book 6, Chapters 21-22)

RIP Aragog, you giant effing terrifying beast. This week The Wilsons join Harry as he finally figures out where Malfoy's been going, runs into a still very morose Tonks who may or may not have been "kissing cousins" with Sirius (awkward), and helps eulogize an actual monster for the sake of Dumbled…

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July 6, 2021

Hey Buddy, You Ok? (Book 6, Chapters 19-20)

Albus Percival Emotionally Unavailable Brian Dumbledore is bringing Harry into two more Voldy-tales and The Wilsons are tagging along. But before that, it's UGH MCCLAGGEN, Lavender Brown deserves better, and Let's Get Ready To (Elf) Rumbuuuuuhl. We'll see ya in there.  Support the show (http://p…

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June 29, 2021

Wilkie Twycross, County Commissioner (Book 6, Chapter 18)

It's our 100th episode (!!!) and to celebrate we're poisoning Ron and splinching as much as possible- because Susan Bones hasn't been through enough apparently. Join The Wilsons as they talk love potions gone awry, Van Gogh, and awful 80's ballads.  Support the show (…

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June 22, 2021

Ssstop It (Book 6, Chapter 17)

The Wilsons are returning to the Pensieve for another visit with baby psychopath Tom Riddle Jr.- and they're just in time for a triple homicide! Plus: caffeinated Kev, a frank discussion about she-who-must-not-be-named and the harm that "it's just her opinion" can cause, and Les Mis?  Support th…

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June 15, 2021

Wax Your Wand By The Fire (Book 6, Chapter 16)

It's Christmas at The Burrow and sh*t is TENSE. The Wilsons are here for all the drama and every sexual innuendo Celestina Warbeck throws their way. Plus, Amanda talks about Remus Lupin way more than is necessary, Kev is reminded (again, somehow) of Donnie Brasco, and a stirring rendition of an AC/…

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June 8, 2021

Master of Psychology, Part 2 (Book 6, Chapter 15)

It's time to wrap up our discussion of how awful Ron currently is as The Wilsons tackle Chapter 15, The Unbreakable Vow. Kev's already getting in the Hogwarts Christmas spirit, complete with Love, Actually quotes, hymn-singing, and not remembering what street that damn Miracle took place on. Plus a…

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June 1, 2021

Master of Psychology, Part 1 (Book 6, Chapter 14)

Since 50% of The Wilsons will be traveling this week, one jumbo episode becomes FFH's second-ever two-parter (hopefully with fewer tears than the last one). This week, Felix Felicis is in the hot seat and the tough questions are being asked: What highly suggestive phrase most definitely changed for…

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May 25, 2021

Where Ya Going Tonight, Frank? (Book 6, Chapter 13)

The Wilsons are diving back into The Pensieve to meet the creepy-AF child that is 11 year-old Tommy Riddle. Naturally, this means they're talking about everything from The Bad Seed to Lil Nas X. Plus, diagnosing Antisocial Personality Disorder, Patronus Moment tears, and foils vs. antagonists.  …

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May 18, 2021

Never Go Full James (Book 6, Chapter 12)

Harry's gonna do what Harry's gonna do, and in this case it's whatever the EFF he wants. While the Chosen One doles out spells with no knowledge of the possible consequences, The Wilsons are dissecting the seriously crazy fate of Katie Bell and laying down a new soundtrack for an HP reboot.  Sup…

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May 11, 2021

McLovin' (Book 6, Chapter 11)

Hermione's offering another morally dubious helping hand this week- albeit slightly more satisfying given the asshat on the receiving end. The Wilsons are talking Quidditch, adult immaturity, #freestanshunpike, Dawson's Creek?, and Kev's strangely strong feelings about raccoons.  Support the sho…

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May 4, 2021

You Sure Got A Purty Mouth (Book 6, Chapters 9-10)

We've reached the point of Book 6 where things start getting dark, abusive, and generally uncomfy. The Wilsons are talking Amortentia and the power of scent, a Slughorn/Frankenfurter mashup, the definition of happiness, Bob Ogden's Used Cars, and sympathy for Voldy? No wonder this is a long one. …

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April 27, 2021

Schrödinger's Chosen One (Book 6, Chapters 7-8)

The famous shot from 'Jaws' is known (among other things) as a "Dolly Zoom". Here's some more info about it! The mantra Amanda mentioned was "Om Mani Padme Hum". While the meaning of it is somewhat debated (it IS in Sanskrit ...

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April 20, 2021

I Mean, I'm The F*cking Chosen One (Book 6, Chapters 5-6)

It seems all Kev needed to conquer two chapters for the first time this season was some of Molly Weasley's onion soup. This week, we're talking The Burrow, French Girls, and getting goosed by a Probity Probe. Plus: the Charmin Baby rumor, ring composition, and a visit from Draco MalKev!

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