For our Season 8 finale, we're doing a little bit of everything: some listener emails, some HP trivia, some hypothetical questions, and one very major poop story.
We're wrapping up Part I of Cursed Child with some seriously sticky time-travel, Moaning Myrtle continuing to be just incredibly appropriate, and the importance of men being accountable. Plus- MC Escher, Zelda, and disagreement about what teenage boys are sneaking around to do (correct answer: make…
The trek through the Barnes and Noble '15 Best Harry Potter Chapters' list continues this week with #13- “The Only One He Ever Feared” from Order of the Phoenix. What makes this epic Dumbledore/Voldy battle so iconic? Is unhinged Harry in fact the BEST Harry? And what rock singer do The Wilsons con…
What makes great parents? What parenting style is superior? Who are the good, bad, and most complicated parents in the Wizarding World? We may not have the answers to these unanswerable questions, but we've got lots of opinions- and some may surprise you. So gather all the HP mommy and daddy issues…
This week, we're covering the next chunk of Cursed Child, also known by it's other title- Back to the Future. Plus, Draco and Harry (Taylor's Version), Star Wars trade disputes, and eating honeysuckles!
As we continue making our way through the 15 best chapters in the Harry Potter series (at least according to Barnes and Noble), we’ve reached #14- the seminal premiere chapter of Book 6, The Other Minister. How can a chapter with relatively little action contain so much information while deftly avo…
This week, two literary dumb-dumbs get their minds blown when they learn that Ring Structure is a thing. Plus, we open the mailbag, do some music fancasting, and Kev has a lot of feelings.
Cursed Child is heating up, things between Harry and Albus are getting super tense, and The Wilsons are here to cry about it. Plus, a journey back to the Billboard Hot 100 of 1994, Disney Dreamlight Valley, and queerbaiting?
We're kicking off our journey through the 15 best Harry Potter chapters (according to Barnes & Noble) with the first entry on the list, Book 3’s The Boggart in the Wardrobe. What makes this a great chapter? How do boggarts relate to the broader themes of the series as a whole? Should this chapter m…
This week, we're tackling our next Character Deep-Dive and immersing ourselves in the tragedy that is Sirius Black's story. From surviving on rage and the ways Sirius re-creates his own trauma to the parallels between Sirius and Harry's stories and what he has in common with the dude from Castaway …
It’s time to continue our Cursed Child journey, and we've finally crossed into Act II! We're talking Daddy issues, polyjuice brain pretzels, and Draco voice makes an overdue appearance to yell about Muggles. Plus, Bluey!
This week, we proudly don our yellow-and-black best and discuss ‘Puffs’, the quintessential underdog story. Plus, what role do unlicensed homages have in a fandom that's become controversial? All of this, plus Bob Dylan, awaits.
Hogwarts painting or Hogwarts Ghost? Be pranked by Fred and George daily or have to tolerate milktoast Dudley? And in a rousing round of F/M/K, what are we doing with Pomona Sprout and Horace Slughorn? This week, we're entering the (wizarding) world of the hypothetical and scandalous.
This week, we’re plotting more ground in Cursed Child and covering Act I, Scenes 11-16 and the spikey-handed Trolley Witch of it all. Plus: Janet(s), Kevin is reminded of a very specific adult film, and Draco draco-ing.
Our next deep-dive is focused on none other than the Holy Trumvirate of Harry, Hermione, and Ron (who we establish are NOT a throuple). Are they truly complimentary to each other or should they really not be friends? Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? What's the deal with the rule of t…
This week, we're diving back in to Cursed Child and covering Act I, Scenes 5-10. It's big father/son dramatic energy, and the return of the worst plot device in the Wizarding World. Plus, Amanda's unlikely kinship with young Albus, (somehow) more Muppet talk, and…Corn Bears?
In this week's bourbon-fueled episode, we're exploring the current goings-on with Wizarding World screen adaptations, including the doomed(?) Fantastic Beasts franchise, and pitching our own ideas for future projects. Plus: Amanda's Muppet problem, a Harry Potter musical (please no), and Crikey! It…
The time has come to crack the spine of the truly weird Harry Potter and The Cursed Child. For this first installment, we're discussing the lead-up to Cursed Child's creation and setting up the main events by reading through Albus and Co.'s third year.
Join us this week as we revisit the four Hogwarts Houses and the concept of sorting children in general. What would old-school psychologist B.F. Skinner think about the Sorting Hat? Which houses are the Ninja Turtles, the protagonists of The Good Place, and various Disney characters in? And why is …
This week, we're putting on the literary analysis hats we are in no way qualified to wear and discussing the narrative template The Hero's Journey. Is Harry Potter a typical Hero's Journey Tale? Is The Hero's Journey still an effective storytelling device? And for the love of god who is Ashwaganda …
Is there a better way to start 2023 than by somewhat ruthlessly dissecting the morals and ethics of the patriarch of the Harry Potter universe, Albus Dumbledore? No. No, there is not. We'll see you in there.
It's Christmas, but Foxie-fied. We share our favorite Christmas memories and traditions, recap Christmas throughout the original Harry Potter book series, air our grievances, and reflect on our hopes for the coming year.
Join us this week as we cover the third (and final?) of the Fantastic Beasts franchise- Secrets of Dumbledore. We speculate how the narrative got so damn messy, Kevin gives a manic recap of the Qilin storyline that evokes the phrase "Stop the Steal", and Bunty tells us how "it be like that sometime…
This week, we're revealing the deepest inner workings of our Wizarding Souls- in the form of online quizzes. And some of the results are...surprising. Plus- ACEs follow-up!