Feb. 1, 2022

The Greater Good (Book 7, Chapters 18-19)

The Greater Good (Book 7, Chapters 18-19)

For the second week in a row, The Wilsons are tackling two chapters! But this time, instead of Bathilda's gross house, graveyards, and horrifying snake fights, it's some overdue bro love, the lovely silver doe, and some light reading in the form of Dumbledore's early days as a fascist. Join us?

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Here's the original Afternoon Delight, by Starland Vocal Band:

And here's the perhaps even better scene from Anchorman with the same song:

Outlander is available on Starz, Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video in the US.

Sliding Rock is located in the Pisgah National Forest near Asheville, NC:


Marriage Lessons: